SOS Practitioners
WHY? There comes a point within each individual and situation, that enough is enough. This point could be from eating too much, doing too much to how we allow others to talk/treat us. I hit this limit in search of health and truth of how and why there is so much disease. Why did I…
In life we all have our journey consisting of tests, lessons, and choices creating our unique experience or timeline within relationships to the collective environments. I am no different, nor would I ever claim to be. Into my teenage years and during university, my choices lead me to experience depression, anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS),…
Like many I didn’t begin to take a critical look at my health until there was a problem. At the age of 16 I was diagnosed with an enlarged heart. A condition called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, the leading cause of sudden death in athletes under 35. I could no longer play competitive sport, which was pretty…
My Journey My journey started with a knee injury so bad that it forced me to seek help for the pain. I was a professional basketball player that overworked my body to the point I could barely walk up and down the court. I thought my basketball career was over; the great “Francis” could not…
In August 2010, I participated in the first SOS Survival Operating System® Manual Therapy course. At the time I was working as a Personal Trainer & Metabolic Typing Advisor and had many clients struggling with chronic pain and disease conditions. At the time, I was experiencing the limitations that exercise and nutrition could have on…